12.000 Final Presentation - Mission 2020: The Future of Cities


Terrascope freshmen present their plan for sustainable, equitable, and resilient cities.

In their first semester at MIT, students enrolled in 12.000 Solving Complex Problems tackled issues around the consumption of air, energy, food, space, and water in cities.
Their website and this presentation offer recommendations for solving sustainability and equity problems related to these five urban resources by 2050.

The presentation will begin with the students' presentation, followed by a Q&A session with a panel of invited experts:
John Fernández – Prof. & Director, MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative
Janelle Chan – Real Estate Manager, MBTA (MIT Master In City Planning, 2007)
Marianna Novellino – Engineer and Consultant, Tata Trust, Water Division
Zachary Tofias – Head, C40 Urban Planning and Development Initiative
David Geltner – Prof. & Director of Research, MIT Center for Real Estate

A recording of the webcast will be posted at http://terrascope.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/missions/